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Our Mission

A Place for All

Our mission is to share all elements of art and make them accessible for those in our surrounding communities. Southern Indiana Elements of Art focuses their programming on the youth of Southern Indiana and the Louisville Metro area. These exciting programs pave the way for new artists to join the performing arts community.

Theater Lights
About: About
Theater Lights


Where the Passion Begins

About: Team Members

Brittanni Biega


Brittanni is a teacher with over 7 years of classroom experience and a masters degree. She has performed all through school, Jeffersonville High School alumni, and has been seen on stage at Clarksville Little Theatre and TheatreWorks of Southern Indiana, but got her official start in the directing world through her role as assistant director for Lion King Jr. at Clarksville Little Theatre under Katie Haulter, owner of Bella Voce Music Studio Of Southern Indiana. She has been directing youth/teens in the area for the past 6 years. Some of her most favorite productions include Beauty and the Beast Jr, and Mamma Mia! She loves seeing kids realize and unleash their potential. In her free moments she enjoys spending time with her wonderful husband, Joe, and amazing daughter, Lorelai.


Erin Daugherty


Erin Daugherty has always had a fierce love of the arts. She is an alumni of New Albany High School and was under the direction of David Longest. She also studied dance for 16 years, part of which was with Weber School of Dance under Bette Flock and Paula Merrill. She has since become a successful and prominent business owner of Max Building Designs, LLC. alongside her husband. In her free moments she enjoys spending time with her 17 year old daughter and watching her blossom into an amazingly beautiful young woman and Thespian. Hanging with her husband, Max Daugherty, isn’t too bad either!

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